• Panelists


    CEE Woman in VCC CEE Women in VC
    Meetup '17


Partner at BaltCap Growth Fund

Heidi joined BaltCap team in 2017 as a Partner of BaltCap Growth Fund. In 2014-2017 she accelerated the investments by the members of the Estonian Business Angels Network, and in 2008 – 2013 built up an investment portfolio of 18 companies while working as the Fund Manager of SmartCap Early Fund I and Early Fund II (AUM €33 million).

Heidi has been actively developing the local venture capital market and ecosystem since 2008, being one of the most experienced early investors in Estonia. Heidi is an initiator and a founding Board Member of EstVCA. She has served as a Supervisory Board member of several companies of the SmartCap portfolio. For more than 10 years she worked in CF&IB at PricewaterhouseCoopers, and as the M&A Leader in East Partners.

Heidi graduated from the University of Tartu cum laude and has upgraded her skills on Executive Course of VC/PE in Harvard Business School.

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