Managing Partner at RED Capital Partners
Luz has 15 years of experience in the European and Israeli venture capital sceneafter being an entrepreneur, a VC Fund Manager, and a VC Fund-of-Funds Manager.Luz has made investments totalling more than €400m of commitments and has heldmore than 40 advisory seats.
Luz worked for 6 years as a senior fund-of-funds manager for the EuropeanInvestment Fund, the largest venture capital investor in Europe with more than€10bn in PE and VC assets under management. She was responsible for two tailoredinvestment mandates: Neotec-EIF Fund of Funds with a total fund size of €183mand PVCI-EIF Fund of Funds with a total fund size of EUR 111m. She was also part ofthe team responsible of structuring the investment strategy and implementation ofa €30m investment initiative with Business Angels in Spain (EAF-Spain).
Previously, Luz was fund manager for Corsabe, a €50m Spanish VC fund includingcompanies such as lnfojobs Internacional, Eolia Renovables, Oryzon and Softonic inher portfolio.
Luz has also founded 2 companies: MWL-RJL, a consulting company advising on thebest investment opportunities in venture capital globally, and Arlas Invest, acompany that held patent for an innovative electrical energy system generatingenergy from ocean waves.
Luz started her career as a consultant in the Altran group where she reached theposition of Business Manager within 6 months after hiring, becoming the youngestwoman manager in the Altran Group Spain.
Luz has a MSc in Computer Engineering from CPS, a Master in "Haute EtudesTechnologiques" from ENSEEIHT in Toulouse, and a MBA from IESE BusinessSchool.