Founding Partner, Crowberry Capital
Jenny is a founding partner of Crowberry Capital, a Nordic VC fund. She has served on number of startup boards and was on the management team of BionX, a Boston based Health Tech company. BionX sprung out of the MIT MediaLab, around Dr. Hugh Herr ́s vision for man-machine interfaces. It was sold to Otto Bock, a German Medical Device company in 2016.
Prior to that she held commercial roles at Ossur OSSR:DC and Krumma focusing on maximizing profits by managing the product portfolios through innovative additions, disruptive pricing and leading development projects from idea stage to launch.
She holds technical IPs and earned her Dipl.-Ing. in engineering from KIT in MicroElectroMechanics where she was awarded for excellent study results. Jenny has served on the Education committee of Association of Chartered Engineers since 2006 and brought the FIRSTLego programming competition for kids to Iceland in 2005.