• Stefan Batory

    Stefan Batory

    Founder iTaxi

    I'm glad it's Experior Venture Fund that supports the growth of iTaxi. I appreciate their openness and commitment. Our partnership provides iTaxi with access to valuable know-how and great growth opportunities, and in the long-run will cement the company's leading position on the Polish taxi services market.

  • Lech Kaniuk

    Lech Kaniuk

    Board Member iTaxi

    W iTaxi dążymy do pełnej satysfakcji pasażerów oraz kierowców. To trudny rynek, na którym nie zaistnielibyśmy bez Experior Venture Fund. Ich wsparcie, nie tylko w formie inwestycji, ale też doświadczenia, pozwoliło nam zrobić pierwsze duże kroki. Dziś wspólnie dążymy do umocnienia pozycji lidera na rynku polskich usług taksówkarskich.

  • Andrzej Nedoma

    Andrzej Nedoma

    CEO XTRF Management Systems

    Our partnership with EVF gives us a great sense of comfort on both personal and operational level. Experior Venture Fund experts' experience and know-how allows us to reach our goals more effectively. Thanks to the support we receive from the Fund, we can be sure that our business is developing in the right direction.

  • Stanisław Fiedor

    Stanisław Fiedor

    Founder and CEO Fuero Ganes

    Cooperation with Experior Venture Fund resulted in a dynamic development of Fuero Games. EVF became involved in the studio not only money-wise, but also provided plenty of support with their experience and valuable business contacts. With such partner we can focus on development and monetization of acclaimed games.

  • Piotr Siudak

    Piotr Siudak

    Founder and CEO Inex System

    The investment process helped us to look further in the future of our business, redefine strategy and answer many difficult questions. Day to day cooperation we assess as highly professional and in 100% aimed at our common targets. Control mechanisms used by the fund help us also to control better our business and achieve even better results.

  • Bogumiła Matuszewska

    Bogumiła Matuszewska

    CEO DrOmnibus

    With the investment, DrOmnibus gained in the form of EVF not only a financial investor, but above all a partner who supports us with his involvement, experience and business know-how on a daily basis. We can always count on EVF support in current matters as well as strategic issues.

  • Aleksander Kuczek

    Aleksander Kuczek

    Founder and CEO Perfect Dashboard

    A good investor serves as a strong industry-related endorsement that can be leveraged to attract talent and customers. This is how EVF works. Experior Venture Fund is a partner who adds a ton of value, brings significant domain expertise and connections, what helps us to grow Perfect Dashboard constantly.

  • Marcin Woch

    Marcin Woch

    CEO Algolytics

    It's our pleasure to receive support from EVF, allowing Algolytics the opportunity to further develop our software and to contribute to several innovative projects on a global scale. Not only are we most grateful for this partnership with EVF, but also looking forward to strengthening our position on the market and continue to serve our valuable clientele.

  • Tomasz Kruszewski

    Tomasz Kruszewski

    Founder & CEO RevDeBug

    We’ve found real “smart money”. The EVF team understands my product and my market isn’t foreign to them. They’re always willing to help. It doesn’t matter if it’s in time of prosperity or in downturn . They’re great supporting to me and most importantly - they aren’t scared to get involved hands-on.

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Thinking about a career at one of our start-ups?

Email your CV at: career@evf.com.pl

A co-financed project

The project is co-financed by Switzerland under the Swiss programme of cooperation with the new EU member states.


ikony swiss

Experior Venture Fund was co-founded by Krajowy Fundusz Kapitałowy (the National Capital Fund).


PFR Ventures




ul. Czerska 8/10,
00-732 Warszawa, Poland
Budynek Agory

Legal information

We are an Alternative Investment Company registered under the Polish Financial Supervision Authority (KNF) in the register of managers of alternative investment funds.

Copyright © 2016 Experior Sp. z o.o. Venture Fund I SKA - All rights reserved

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